The ART-MUTATION campaign was initiated by the artist anna.laclaque. It is meant to bring a global artist community together, during the isolation time, resulting from the spread of Covid-19, and beyond. The campaign is intended to connect artists from all over the world communicating through their artwork.
anna.laclaque started the campaign by creating a painting. Then she sent photos of her artwork to some other artists. Each recipient creates a variation of this original motif like a mutation of the virus. They again send photos of their artwork to further artists in order to create a chain of mutations. This procedure will be reiterated as long as the virus exists.
All photos of these artworks are visualized at the website, collected by anna.laclaque, to build a global artist network. So all participating artists receive public attention and everyone can watch the mutations evolve.
The campaign, ART-MUTATION, is to show the world that art can spread, similar to the virus.
Copyright of ART-MUTATION by anna.laclaque